In a study conducted by Pew Research Center in 2013, it indicated more than 88% of Spanish citizens support homosexuality. The country noted for its LGBT tolerance is Spain, not surprising considering it has same-sex marriage since 2005 and a wealth of other equality laws for its gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex citizens. The gold stars are given in nine different types: Commodity (pink), Psychology (light blue), Ecology (green), Gastronomy (purple), Economy (gray), Nicety (yellow), Humanity (dark blue), Technology (red) and Nasty (black). Information Is Beautiful has sifted through piles of data from the UN, the CIA, The Guardian, and numerous other sources to compile a world map that names a country the best at something in 2016. It turns out nobody in the world consumes more gay porn per person than Pakistan. While you might already know Sweden is the top in pop music, and North Korea has more soldiers relative to its population than any other country, it turns out there are a few surprises in there. Every country has to be the best at something, even if it’s not something you’d quite expect.